
Category: Character

5 Tips To Make Yourself Look Great Online

In the age in which we live, there are immense possibilities for meeting your future husband in online spaces like LinkedIn, WhatsApp, Facebook, online meetings (like Zoom, Hangouts, Microsoft Teams, etc.), Instagram and any other social media platform.  With a little extra effort, you can make yourself look great online without having …

The Top Attraction Killer – 5 Signs You Have It

What is the top attraction killer? There seems to be a recurring theme in your life. You meet a fantastic guy. Subsequently, you hit it off (or so you think), but it quickly dies or never blossom into a committed relationship. Your friends and family think that you’re an amazing …

6 Tips to End a Relationship Well

You’re realizing that you’re with the wrong guy.  You know that you should end the relationship but you can’t imagine a future without him.  How do you even separate your intertwined lives? You honestly thought that he was the one that you were going to marry. Unfortunately, heartbreak is an …

6 Reasons Being a Virgin is STILL Wonderful

Is sex before marriage the new norm for Christian singles? You’re probably beginning to notice that many church-goers have begun to live together or engaging in sexual relations. Christian women are now pressuring their partners for sex and vice versa. Did we miss something? Did God change His mind about …