Category: Growing Faith
From age eleven to twenty, I was a Christian but there was no consistent growth. As a matter of fact, I had the opinion that serious Christians were too boring and prone to over-spiritualize everything. As such, I committed myself to attending only ONE church event on Sundays. I had a …
Have you ever heard the quote, “A verse a day keeps the devil away?” I’m certain that was my mantra many years ago. To ensure that he was kept away, I added two more verses! 😂 For me, spending time with God seemed more like a duty than a delight …
What strategies will the enemy use against you? “Janice” has recently given her life to Jesus Christ. Slowly, her life is beginning to change. She’s so excited about this new relationship! However, her cousin “Peter”, who was very passionate about Jesus, seems to have lost his desire for Him. Now, …
Everyone is being affected by Covid-19. By now, you probably know someone who has the virus or has died from the virus. These are trying times for all of us. Without a doubt, many of us are saddened by the loss of lives. To further compound the matter, millions of …
Are there opportunities arising from this pandemic? Two months ago, none of us would have thought that our lives would be radically different today. Now, we are overwhelmed by the realities of schools closing, self-quarantine, losing loved ones, food shortages, job losses, businesses declining, mass histeria, shortages of medical supplies …
Do you want your life to change? Would you like to improve your ability to pray? Do you have difficulty believing God? Are you losing your joy? Do you want to be wise in relationships, finances, business and every other area of your life? The law of the LORD is …
Are you single and disappointed? You’ve been faithful to God and you’ve sought to make Him the top priority in your life. Yet, another year has come and you’re still unmarried. You look at other single Christian women who have ‘gotten through’, and you think that something must be wrong …
You’re realizing that you’re with the wrong guy. You know that you should end the relationship but you can’t imagine a future without him. How do you even separate your intertwined lives? You honestly thought that he was the one that you were going to marry. Unfortunately, heartbreak is an …
Have you been wanting to journal for a while, but you just can’t get started? Has journaling consistently been a challenge for you? Like you, consistent journalling had evaded me for years! I’d start and stop, start and stop (sometimes even stop for years!). To help you to start journaling …