
Category: Hobbies

10 Life-Changing Reasons to Begin Journaling NOW

Can a simple daily habit of journaling change your life? Do you find yourself becoming short-tempered?  Are you becoming moodier and joyless?  But the thing is…you have no clue what is causing these emotions. Sometimes, you can be so busy doing life, that conversations and events occur that disturb you …

6 Tips to End a Relationship Well

You’re realizing that you’re with the wrong guy.  You know that you should end the relationship but you can’t imagine a future without him.  How do you even separate your intertwined lives? You honestly thought that he was the one that you were going to marry. Unfortunately, heartbreak is an …

10 Fun Ideas to Kill Boredom From Today!

The weekend is approaching and you’re happy to get some rest, but at the same time, you have this gnawing feeling that you’ll be alone….again!   It seems like only work gives your life some excitement. What should you do? You don’t have to be bored to death with your life. …