
Category: Beauty

9 Tips to Overcome When You Feel Unattractive

For years, I felt that I was too skinny. I resorted to a plan of gaining one pound per month. That plan never worked. Whatever half a pound I gained for the whole year, whenever I got a virus, I would lose several pounds. Needless to say, I felt pretty unattractive in my …

5 Tips To Make Yourself Look Great Online

In the age in which we live, there are immense possibilities for meeting your future husband in online spaces like LinkedIn, WhatsApp, Facebook, online meetings (like Zoom, Hangouts, Microsoft Teams, etc.), Instagram and any other social media platform.  With a little extra effort, you can make yourself look great online without having …

10 Ways to Realistically Achieve Work-Life Balance

It’s all a crazy balancing act. You want to succeed in your work, but you also don’t want to lose your sanity. In order to realistically achieve work-life balance, you need to make some sober decisions and implement some changes. Firstly, let’s look at what you may try to add …

9 Tips to Prevent Burnout

You have more things to do than hours in the day to do them. Sometimes, you wish that the day contained about 36 hours rather than a mere 24 hours. There’s so much to do with so little time in which to accomplish them.  Weekends are just as cramped with …

8 Essential Beauty Tools for the Do-It-Yourself Woman

Before we talk about the 8 essential beauty tools, are you a do-it-yourself woman? Choose the personality that best describes you: (A) ‘Live Lavishly Lorie’ You’d rather pay any sum of money to be pampered by a beautician. It’s a time to relax, de-stress and tell the beautician all your …

Beauty on a Budget | 8 Money-Saving Tips

Are you a beauty on a budget? You’re a student and money is tight. You’re building your emergency fund. (That was me last year) You’re about to buy a car or house or make some other major investment. You’re temporarily unemployed. Regardless of your current circumstance, you don’t need to …

Beauty in a Minute | 8 Quick Tips

You’re too busy to fill up all your time doing beauty regimens. Afterall, there are other important areas of your life which need your time and attention. Beauty in a Minute sounds like a possibility for you. Why it’s important… But wait a minute… is it even important that you …

The Top Attraction Killer – 5 Signs You Have It

What is the top attraction killer? There seems to be a recurring theme in your life. You meet a fantastic guy. Subsequently, you hit it off (or so you think), but it quickly dies or never blossom into a committed relationship. Your friends and family think that you’re an amazing …

10 Life-Changing Reasons to Begin Journaling NOW

Can a simple daily habit of journaling change your life? Do you find yourself becoming short-tempered?  Are you becoming moodier and joyless?  But the thing is…you have no clue what is causing these emotions. Sometimes, you can be so busy doing life, that conversations and events occur that disturb you …