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How to Have Joy in the Midst of This Crisis | 8 Simple Tips

Everyone is being affected by Covid-19.  By now, you probably know someone who has the virus or has died from the virus.  These are trying times for all of us.

Without a doubt, many of us are saddened by the loss of lives.  To further compound the matter, millions of people have lost their jobs or earning capacity. 

How can you have joy in the midst of this crisis?


Ever feel like you don’t know what a godly man is looking for in a wife? Our Irresistible Godly Woman Checklist will give you clear insights so you can stop guessing and start preparing … while reaching your full potential as a single Christian woman.

While you may not be able to control the ravaging effects of covid-19, you can control the way in which you respond.  Yes, you can still have joy!

“Whoever has no rule over his own spirit is like a city broken down, without walls.” Proverbs 25:28 

“A person can endure anything that life throws at him if he understands that he has the freedom to choose what to feel about each situation he faces, no matter how strongly he is opposed by outside forces that he cannot control.” Viktor Frankl in ‘Man’s Search for Meaning’

Here are 8 tips on how to have joy in the midst of a crisis:

1) Count your blessings.

When a crisis occurs, you have two choices.  Are you going to fill your mind with all that is going wrong and might go wrong?  Or are you going to recall all your current blessings and opportunities that the crisis has brought?  

“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” Philippians 4:8 ESV

In order to follow Philippians 4:8, you have to intentionally train yourself to be grateful.  Firstly, you need to pay attention to your thought life.  When a less-than-desirable situation occurs, what is your natural tendency? (If you don’t know, ask a relative or friend.)

If you have developed a habit of negative thinking over the years, this is a good time to replace it with a positive mindset that is based on God’s Word.

Action steps:
  • When you wake up, write down 10 things for which you are grateful.
  • If a trying situation arises, think about 5 opportunities that you have because of it.
  • Before you go to bed, recall 5 things for which you are grateful.

If you need a little help, get your free “100 Things to be Thankful for” list.

Also, check out “7 Great Opportunities from This Pandemic.”

Here are some blessings and opportunities from this crisis:
  • Re-evaluate your life and priorities and make corrections.
  • Spend more time with God.
  • Experience God as your provider, protector, comforter, etc.
  • Motivate you to study what the Bible says about the end times.
  • Deepen relationships with family and friends.
  • Provide an opportunity to have a much-needed change in career (especially if you’ve lost your job).

“Anything that makes us need God is a blessing.” Nancy Leigh DeMoss Wolgemuth

2) Be a light and a voice of hope to others.

People are grieving, worried and panicking all over the world.  As such, they need hope.  The best hope you can give is the message of eternal life and peace that comes from a relationship with Jesus Christ

Hence, if you know someone is having a particularly rough time, reach out to them.  Listen to them; share Jesus with them; and pray with them.  I don’t think anyone is refusing prayer these days!

3) Fill your life with God’s Word.

When you read God’s Word, it helps to put everything into the right perspective – death, suffering, healing, comfort and everything else under the sun. 

In the times ahead, life may become even more challenging.  Therefore, you need to prepare yourself by studying, meditating and memorizing God’s Word.  

Many Christians may read God’s Word, but not necessarily believe it.  This is the time for the Word of God to come alive in every believer’s life.

“In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one; and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, …” Ephesians 6:16-17 ESV

4) Dedicate time to sing and dance.

In a recent conversation with a woman who lost her beloved husband five years ago, she said that praising God through song during that difficult period allowed her to cope well and experience God’s peace.  Hearing her speak, I detected no bitterness about her loss.  

During this crisis, set aside time daily to sing praises to God.  It will fill your heart with joy and help you to focus on who God is (and not on the effects of the virus).

“When we thank, praise & worship God, we prime our circuits for high intellectual function, & every cell in our body is positively affected.” Dr. Caroline Leaf

5) Talk with life-giving friends.

If you’re beginning to despair, contact a relative or friend with whom you will be able to speak and pray.  Undeniably, it’s normal to feel saddened by what is happening and that’s why we need to rely on one another.  

Also, don’t wait for someone to reach out to you and please resist having a no-one-cares-for-me pity party.  Remember that everyone is trying to adjust to this new normal and you may not be at the front of their minds.  Nevertheless, they will probably be happy to talk and pray for you. 

At the same time, you also need to encourage yourself in the Lord, so that you can give life-giving hope to others!

6) Do not worry but pray.

Whenever you feel like worrying, bow your head in prayer instead.  Worrying will solve nothing and only give you backache, a headache and diarrhea!  On the other hand, God has all the power and resources to work on your behalf.

“… do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.  And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7 ESV

7) Correct poor theology about trials and suffering.

Why do some Christians believe that we will have no trials here on earth?  It is clearly stated in the Bible that in this world, trials are to be expected.  

“Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.” James 1:2-4 ESV

However, God has a purpose for every trial He allows.  Essentially, trials are meant to mature us, and not destroy us.  The way you respond to trials show you what you truly believe about God.  Is He in control? Is He still good when you suffer?  Will you still trust in Him? Is His grace sufficient for you?

8) Limit news intake to once or twice a day.

If you listen to every news update, you’ll most likely feel increasingly burdened and depressed.  That will not help you to have joy. 

It is important that you know what is happening, but you don’t need to know every covid-19 statistic, heartbreaking stories of losing loved ones, exhausted health care facilities, lack of ventilators, country comparisons, death tolls, rates of infection, conspiracy theories and the list goes on.

You just need to know enough to pray and prepare.  Block out the rest!  

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As a Christian, you can have joy regardless of the circumstances of your life.  More than having a positive attitude, it comes from having a deep intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.  This is my prayer for you:

“The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.” Numbers 6:24-26 ESV

What other tips are helping you to have joy right now?  What did you do in the past to keep your joy when you were faced with challenging situations? Please comment below.

Get your free “100 Things to be Thankful for” list today to help you be thankful to God.  He remains good!  

When you subscribe to “Petals Bloom”, you’ll receive helpful weekly email tips because I would love to help you grow in your relationships with God and others.  Feel free to email me to let me know how you are doing and in what ways I can pray for you.  

Also, join me on Facebook @PetalsBloomBlog for my weekly live events on Thursdays at 8pm (Atlantic Standard Time).  Thanks for stopping by!


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With love,

Kimberly Garth

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Recommended Books:

“Man’s Search for Meaning” by Viktor E. Frankl

“Think, Learn, Succeed: Understanding and Using Your Mind to Thrive at School, the Workplace and Life” by Dr. Caroline Leaf


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