
Month: April 2020

3 Crafty Strategies of The Enemy and How to Overcome

What strategies will the enemy use against you? “Janice” has recently given her life to Jesus Christ.  Slowly, her life is beginning to change.  She’s so excited about this new relationship!  However, her cousin “Peter”, who was very passionate about Jesus, seems to have lost his desire for Him.  Now, …

Why Jesus is Better Than a Husband | 10 Epic Reasons

Has God treated you unfairly than your Christian friends who found loving Christian husbands?  He certainly has not. Whether married or not, Christian wives and Christian singles alike must eventually come to the truth that Jesus is better than a husband.  He is the only person who has the capacity …

6 Smart Ways to Prepare For The Virus

What can you do to prepare for the virus? Yesterday morning, I woke up with a slight fever.  By the evening, I wasn’t feeling my usual energetic self.  In the absence of this virus, I would have just thought that it was the common cold.   But now, given our current …