7 Tips to Win at Sexual Purity
You’re in a relationship with the man of your dreams. As you become closer, you want to express your desire for each other physically. The intensity of your passion is getting greater and you don’t know if you have the patience, resolve and strength to wait until marriage. Is sexual purity even possible? If you’re…
6 Reasons Being a Virgin is STILL Wonderful
Is sex before marriage the new norm for Christian singles? You’re probably beginning to notice that many church-goers have begun to live together or engaging in sexual relations. Christian women are now pressuring their partners for sex and vice versa. Did we miss something? Did God change His mind about sexual purity? Is there a…
6 Types of Christian Guys to Resist
You meet a single Christian man and you get a little hopeful that he might be the ‘one’. However, simply being a Christian is not sufficient for a man to be a good husband. There are many unhealthy Christian guys you need to resist! It doesn’t matter if he is: Always at church; Knows books…
5 Guys to Consider as Future Husbands
Could it be possible that your future husband is already in your life? Are you destroying your love life by having too many restrictions? You probably know several gentlemen who might make terrific husbands for you. That’s good news because you only need one!😉 As I wrote in the post ‘5 Truths About Why You’re…
Top 5 Turn-offs for Single Men
You met a great guy and you felt a connection with him. You had a gut feeling that he liked you, but nothing happened. Was it your imagination that he was interested? Or you have one failed relationship after another. Now, you’re beginning to wonder if you are doing something unknowingly that is turning off…
Top 5 Attractive Qualities Single Christian Men Want
Have you ever found yourself wondering what eligible single Christian men want in a wife? Do you wonder if you have what it takes to attract your ‘complimentary fit’. I’ve read lots of books on the subject, but I decided to conduct my own survey among Christian single men. Suitable candidates for this survey had…
5 Compelling Reasons Why Singleness is Beautiful
You just saw on social media that another one of your friends is getting married. Last week, you went to your younger cousin’s wedding. Then you begin to think, ”Is something wrong with me?.” You look in the mirror and you see an attractive, intelligent woman with an incredible sense of humor. Moreover, you’re…
5 Crazy Things People Say to Single Women
It’s family reunion time! Whoohoo! You’re excited to spend time with your extended family. There are hugs, kisses, and shouts as relatives arrive. The atmosphere is filled with laughter and expectancy of having a grand time. Then, after a little chit-chat with an uncle, he asks you, “When will you be having children? You’re not…
How to Meet New Christian Guys
Yesterday was Amy’s 40th birthday. When a significant birthday like the big “40” comes around, it is normal to do meaningful introspection. As Amy evaluates her life, she is saddened that she’s still unmarried. What could be the problem? Why is she not meeting any suitable single Christian men? Could it be her current communities…
How to Respond When a Fellow Christian Hurts You
If you’ve been a believer for any length of time, you might have already experienced the hurt from at least one other Christian. If you’re a new believer, just expect it. Why would a fellow Christian hurt you? It happens because we are all still in process. No believer is perfect. Undoubtedly, you will also…
How to Practically Show Care for a Man
You went on a few dates with “Thomas” but he is no longer calling you. What could possibly be the reason for his cooled feelings toward you? I had conversations with two men and they shared two stories that gave me further insights into the way men think. Both stories had a similar theme … the coldness of a…
4 Essential Tips While You Wait to be Married
“Ally” is in her mid-thirties. While she is trusting God for a fabulous husband, she feels like she can’t just wait around and twiddle her thumbs. What can “Ally” do while she is waiting to be married? “Ally” is right. There so much more to life than getting married. We place so much emphasis on…
When God is Saying “No” to the Man You Love
“Liz” is excited about her upcoming wedding with “Kenroy”. She has already sent out all her wedding invitations; the venue is booked; the cake has been ordered; and her dress has already been bought and fitted to perfection. She’s simply just counting down the days to wedded bliss. However, she has this nagging feeling that she’s…
5 Types of Terrific Christian Men You are Overlooking
Most of us believe that there are not enough single eligible men in the church. While there may be some truth to this (especially in the Western World), you might be overlooking a few good ones already in your life. When you survey the single men in your circles, they may fall into several categories: …
When You are Falling in Love with a Married Man
Olivia’s new job was an answer to prayer. She felt that it was just the right environment for her to thrive as a female leader. As the months passed, she began working closely with her co-worker, Henry, on work-related projects. It was easy working with Henry and he had a dry sense of humour which…
5 Easy Tips to Reduce Holiday Stress
Christmas could become stressful with too many unnecessary pressures like thoroughly cleaning the entire house (in 1-3 days!); buying all your loved ones the gifts that will put the widest smiles of their faces; saying “yes” to all your invitations to Christmas socials; waiting last minute to do everything; and the like. Here are 5…
When You Face Another Failed Relationship
“Petrina” has surrendered her desire for marriage to God … again. She has to travel to attend a two-week work-related conference and this time, she has put meeting any ‘person of interest’ out of her mind. She’s simply going to improve her skills; meet new colleagues from other parts of the world; and enjoy herself.…
5 Poor Mindsets to Keep You Single for Long
“Jackie” is turning 42 in two days’ time. She’s taking time to reflect on her past 41 years. She thinks that she should have been married by now. In her mind, she’s single for the following reasons: In Jackie’s eyes, she has the following traits in her favour: Given all her above credentials, Jackie believes…
5 Ways Your Community Helps You Find Your Husband
“Linda” has tried online dating, but she’s had no luck. In her last relationship with “Athelbert” 😂, he tried to manipulate her into having sex. So she dropped him like a hot potato. She never thought that finding a husband was going to be so difficult! What is “Linda” to do? A good suggestion for “Linda”…
6 Reasons Why It is Better to Date in Community
You’ve been talking with ‘Frederick” for roughly one month. You find yourself excited when you see an incoming call from him. A part of you wants to tell someone about your budding romance, but is it too early? Is it anyone else’s business, but mine? Suppose I let my mother know and she doesn’t like…
9 Tips to Overcome When You Feel Unattractive
For years, I felt that I was too skinny. I resorted to a plan of gaining one pound per month. That plan never worked. Whatever half a pound I gained for the whole year, whenever I got a virus, I would lose several pounds. Needless to say, I felt pretty unattractive in my less-than-100-pound body. If you feel…
5 Tips To Make Yourself Look Great Online
In the age in which we live, there are immense possibilities for meeting your future husband in online spaces like LinkedIn, WhatsApp, Facebook, online meetings (like Zoom, Hangouts, Microsoft Teams, etc.), Instagram and any other social media platform. With a little extra effort, you can make yourself look great online without having to change who you are…
5 Undeniable Signs A Man is Not Ready for You
You’ve known “Howard” for over 1 year. You can’t help but think that you two will make a great couple. However, before you set your heart up for disappointment, is “Howard” really the best guy for you? Even if he’s an incredible guy, is he ready for a committed relationship with you? Here are 5…
6 Temptations When You Feel Lonely as a Single Woman
The feeling of loneliness is very common among singles, even Christian singles. You are often tempted to look at the lives of your married friends, wishing that you had a family to call your own. You think, “If only I were to get married, then I would never feel lonely again.” However, this is not necessarily…
7 Practices to Stop Now Before Marriage
As a single woman, you might be going about your own merry way. But without knowing it, you might live in a particular way or possess certain mindsets that might make a future marriage a bit more difficult for you. Here are 7 practices to stop before you get married: 1) Stop living alone. At one…
6 Questions to Discover Your Unique Calling
The question, “What is your specific purpose?” has caused great anxiety among many believers. Don’t worry. The Bible is quite clear on the matter. Purpose For one, each believer has the same purpose. Believe it or not, it has nothing to do with each of us specifically. It has everything to do with God. Here are some insights that Scripture…
4 Fascinating Benefits of Marrying A Virgin Man
It seems like there is a growing belief among Christian women that a man with many sexual experiences is more desirable than a man who has remained a virgin. How did we get there? One main source … the media! Nothing could be future from the truth. The old adage still rings true …”Misery likes company”.…
7 Fantastic Reasons Singles Should Do Life with Married Couples
It is a common mistake for singles to socialise mainly with other singles. However, there are several major benefits to being around married Christian couples who are sincerely desiring to follow Christ and who are committed to one another through thick and thin. No one has a perfect marriage, but you can learn a lot from them if…
When You Have No Desire For Quiet Time
It’s eleven o’clock in the night and it has just dawned on “Ashley” that she hasn’t spent any quality quiet time with God … again! Has she lost her desire to have quiet time with God? (By “quiet time”, I’m referring to spending one-on-one quality time with God where you focus on cultivating your relationship…
When Your Strong Personality is Hindering Love
I’ve heard this saying, “good girls (or nice girls) finish last.” I’m not sure about the veracity of that statement, but I do think that strong women face challenges in finding love. Often I hear that men are intimated by strong women like myself. When a guy was enquiring about me (wise men do this!), he was told, by a…
How to be Charming on Social Media | Single Christian Woman
According to www.datareportal.com, there 4.76 billion social media users in the world in January 2023. The platforms may change, but social media is here to stay. As a Christian, how should we engage with these platforms? For one, we should seek to be the same person online and offline. Who are we then? Foundation: We are ambassadors for…
Avoid 4 Traits If You Want A Great Marriage | Premarital Advice
The longer you remain single, you might develop certain qualities that may cause you to remain single or prevent a great marriage from happening. Without a doubt, nothing is wrong with wanting to remain unmarried because there are MANY benefits to being single. You can check out, “5 Compelling Reasons Why Singleness is Beautiful”. However, if you…
4 Men You Attract When You Wear Revealing Clothes
Christian single women, does your clothing determine the type of man you attract? Do you dress tastefully but modestly? Or do you wear revealing clothes and end up attracting shallow “creeps”? Firstly, let’s talk about what physical attributes that catches the eyes of most men. After all, men are visual creatures. Based on my observation,…
When It is Your First Relationship EVER | 7 Sober Tips
“Owen” has confessed his interest in you and you like him too. Oh my goodness! You’re beyond excited, but it seems so scary at the same time. You feel totally inexperienced in the area of romantic relationships. Sure, you’ve had crushes, but you’ve never ever been in a committed romantic relationship before. You don’t know what to…
4 Easy Questions to Know If You Should Marry Him
You’ve been in a relationship for a while. There has been talk about marriage, but you’re not sure if you should marry him. Or, you might already be in the process of planning a wedding and you’re wondering if you’re making the right decision in marrying “Peter”. Since marriage is one of the most life-altering decisions you’ll ever…
10 Signs a Guy is Romantically Interested in You
Have you ever wondered if “Jason” is romantically interested in you? One minute you think that he does and then, the next minute, you think it might be just your imagination. Or, you have no interest in “Jason” at all and you’re hoping that he’s not romantically interested because you really would not like to destroy your friendship…
5 Powerful Reasons to Pray for Your Future Husband
What is your part to play when it comes to meeting your future husband? There are several action steps to take to give yourself the absolute best “chance” of attracting just the right kind of godly man. Among the most important steps is diligently praying for him. I don’t subscribe to the view that there is…
4 Types of Men to Keep at Arm’s Length
After being single for a while, desperation can ease its way into your heart. Principles that you once held dearly begin to slowly dissipate. I must warn you. Entering a relationship with any of the following men might give you more heartache than you bargained for. For some of them, you might have to wait…
How to Heal Well from a Breakup
Heartbreak is common in this fallen world. But, there is hope. You can actually experience healing from it and have a great loving relationship in the future. From my own experience, I will share with you what has helped me to heal well. If you’ve experienced heartbreak from an official relationship or a situationship, here are some…
6 Smart Reasons to Give Your Male Friend a Chance at Love
Have we made getting married too complicated? Should you consider giving your male friend a chance? My “wonderings” … I wonder if the concept of waiting for a sign and/or the voice of God is keeping godly men and women apart. 🤔 I wonder if our belief that God has reserved only one man for…
5 Important Things to do Before The Year Ends
The year is coming to an end! Oh my goodness! It has gone by so quickly (like every other year). It can be tempting to face the end of this year with dread. Your age has increased, but not your family (aka no husband). I distinctly recall a December month when I was disappointed that…
How to Influence an Unbeliever Without Falling in Love
You met Phillip a month ago when you joined the gym. A few times, you exercised side by side with him which led to several conversations. One discussion led to your views about God and Phillip says that he is not sure that God even exists. Like any sincere follower of Jesus, you want Philip…
How to Really Move Past Your Sexual Regret
In our sex-saturated culture, sexual regret among women is very common. You are not alone. They may include the following: Losing your virginity to the wrong man; Allowing a relationship to become sexual too fast; Having casual sex or engaging in sexual activities with strangers or friends (“friends with benefits”) Becoming sexually active with a…
How to be Good Friends with Christian Men
God will allow you to meet various men throughout your life. Some of them will stay for the long haul, some will drop in and drop out from time to time and others will last for a very short time. Believe it or not, there is a purpose to every encounter. For a single Christian…
How to transition from single to married without stress!
In order to prepare for a successful career, you go through the rigors and discipline of education and training through attending primary school, secondary school, tertiary institutions, courses, and the like. You may even hire a mentor or a coach to aid in your goals for wealth accumulation, recognition and to build a legacy for…
6 Revealing Signs Your Relationship is Going Nowhere
Jackie and Alex have been in a committed relationship for four years. When they entered the relationship as college sweethearts, their minds and hearts were set on marrying each other … eventually. They’ve had ups and downs like most other romantic relationships, but Jackie is wondering if she is wasting her time with Alex. Is…
How to Steadily Grow in Your Relationship With God
From age eleven to twenty, I was a Christian but there was no consistent growth. As a matter of fact, I had the opinion that serious Christians were too boring and prone to over-spiritualize everything. As such, I committed myself to attending only ONE church event on Sundays. I had a desire to desire in my…
4 Really Poor Reasons for Choosing Celibacy
Angela has never had sex with a man. She has grown up in a Christian church and at a young age, she decided to choose celibacy. She feels very good about this decision and believes that she is positioning herself for many blessings from God. Does Angela have the right motivation for choosing celibacy? By…
5 People You Love When You Save Sex for Marriage
What is the big deal about saving sex for marriage? If God is a god of love, wouldn’t he want me to express love to my boyfriend by having sex with him? Nothing could be further from the truth. Since God is love, the most loving decision, regarding sex, is to save sex for marriage. Have…
How to Stop Having Sex with Your Boyfriend
Sex is so sweet, but having sex with your boyfriend is beginning to weigh heavily on you. But how can you stop sleeping with him? At the age of fifteen, Amy made a commitment to God and to herself that she would reserve sex for marriage. Now, in her mid-twenties, she is not certain that…
6 Lies About Sex Before Marriage (and the Truth)
Simone and Harry have differing views about sex before marriage. Harry believes that sex should be reserved for marriage. On the other hand, Simone has been involved sexually with several former boyfriends before coming to Christ. To her, she’s wondering if the Biblical standard is still relevant in today’s progressive society. Adding to her confusion…
Should You Consider Marrying an Unbeliever?
Are you interested in dating or marrying an unbeliever? Conversation between Sarah and her aunt: Aunt Betty: “Sarah, how old are you now?” Sarah: “Thirty-two, Aunty. Why do you ask?” Aunty Betty: “What are you waiting on, dear? Soon, you’ll be too old to have children.” Sarah: “I know that, but I am trusting God…
What a Long Wait for a Husband Reveals About You
None of us likes a long wait. We would quickly choose the self-checkout express lane of the supermarket over a long line. In my teenage years, I remember reading a magazine article and the author suggested that, based on research, 27 would be a good age to marry. “Aha! That is what I will work…
Why God Has You Waiting Long | 6 Reasons
After each birthday celebration, Chrissy thinks, “Will this be my year?” She is faced with the fact that she’s getting older and she has no husband. Why is God making her wait so long? Chrissy finds herself praying for a husband more and more. But yet, nothing seems to change. She wonders if God has…
When Your Ex Boyfriend Has a New Girlfriend
Penny and Jake agreed to end their two-year relationship. Although it was difficult for both of them, they felt that they were not the best fit for one another. From time to time, their paths would cross and it was always pleasant. Then, one day “out of the blue”, Jake called Penny to inform her…
Accept Him as He Is | 6 Convincing Reasons
At the company’s staff retreat, Sharon and a few of the women decided to meet to talk about relationships. Sharon disclosed to the women that she was talking to Pete, a professional soccer player. As a result, she’s not sure that she should even consider a future relationship with him because she doesn’t even like…
6 Genuine Tips to Refuse a Man Politely
How do you refuse a man without being cruel? Ameila and Harold have been friends for roughly two years and have enjoyed conversations related to faith and ministry. Amelia is on a business trip when she receives a message from Harold. He would like to speak with her upon her return to discuss an important…
How to Spend Time With God Every Day AND Enjoy It!
Have you ever heard the quote, “A verse a day keeps the devil away?” I’m certain that was my mantra many years ago. To ensure that he was kept away, I added two more verses! 😂 For me, spending time with God seemed more like a duty than a delight for years!😰 Guilt would often…
How to QUICKLY Build Your Emergency Fund
Do you have an emergency fund? About three years ago, I had to take a good look at my finances. I realized that I had no financial margins. If any emergency were to arise, I would have no buffer whatsoever 😨! Therefore, things had to change so I got to work. Within a few months,…
5 Actions to Help Him Become The Best Future Husband
Can you help your boyfriend or fiancé become the best future husband that he can be? Claudia was about to give up on finding the man of her dreams. Then boom … out of the blue (it seems), she has met Robert. Things are going pretty well. Her head is spinning with excitement and even…
7 Ways A Close Female Friend Can Prepare You For Marriage
Can a close friendship with female help prepare you for marriage? When “Betty” first met “Sheri” at a beach social, she never would have guessed that “Sheri” would become an integral part of her life over the next ten years. An onlooker might admire their friendship, but both know their relationship has stood many and…
3 Crafty Strategies of The Enemy and How to Overcome
What strategies will the enemy use against you? “Janice” has recently given her life to Jesus Christ. Slowly, her life is beginning to change. She’s so excited about this new relationship! However, her cousin “Peter”, who was very passionate about Jesus, seems to have lost his desire for Him. Now, “Peter” lives contrary to the…
Why Jesus is Better Than a Husband | 10 Epic Reasons
Has God treated you unfairly than your Christian friends who found loving Christian husbands? He certainly has not. Whether married or not, Christian wives and Christian singles alike must eventually come to the truth that Jesus is better than a husband. He is the only person who has the capacity to love us like no…
How to Have Joy in the Midst of This Crisis | 8 Simple Tips
Everyone is being affected by Covid-19. By now, you probably know someone who has the virus or has died from the virus. These are trying times for all of us. Without a doubt, many of us are saddened by the loss of lives. To further compound the matter, millions of people have lost their jobs…
6 Smart Ways to Prepare For The Virus
What can you do to prepare for the virus? Yesterday morning, I woke up with a slight fever. By the evening, I wasn’t feeling my usual energetic self. In the absence of this virus, I would have just thought that it was the common cold. But now, given our current reality, every indication of a…
10 Fantastic Ideas When You Are Stuck At Home
You may have longed for a break from your busy schedule. Moreover, you pictured your ideal escape … sitting on a beach sipping a virgin colada at an all-inclusive hotel; screaming your lungs out at the Sand Castle Waterslide at Disney World or shopping till you dropped in New York City. However, your current reality…
7 Great Opportunities From COVID-19 Pandemic
Are there opportunities arising from this pandemic? Two months ago, none of us would have thought that our lives would be radically different today. Now, we are overwhelmed by the realities of schools closing, self-quarantine, losing loved ones, food shortages, job losses, businesses declining, mass histeria, shortages of medical supplies and the list goes on.…
4 No-Nonsense Reasons to Rethink A Long Courtship
Is a long courtship the best option? “Sheila” met “Richie” at college and since then, they have been inseparable. Her mantra was that her first and only boyfriend will be her one and only husband. All together, they have been courting (a romantic relationship before marriage) for seven years. “Sheila” was hoping that they would…
How Far is Too Far? 6 Revealing Questions to Ask Yourself
This will definitely be a controversial topic! But I’m going ahead with it in full force!:) You’re in a relationship with “Charlie” and you are intensely attracted to each other. As you spend time together, you want to get close… physically and sexually close. When you sit together, not even a sand fly can pass…
How to Win the Heart of a Godly Man | 5 Secrets
“Tom” has shown keen interest in “Patricia” and the feeling is mutual. However, she has had several suitors in the past but all have ended with disappointment. Can “Patricia” win the heart of a godly man like “Tom”? If you plan to engage the heart of a man, you need to understand how he thinks…
6 Practical Tweaks to Get A Man’s Attention
Claudia is one of the most sincere, devoted young women you’ll ever meet. But she has a challenge. Very very few men are interested in her. What is she doing wrong? Is it that the right man hasn’t come along or is she ignoring God-given wisdom that women of old have practiced? Can she get…
6 Telltale Signs Online Dating is NOT For You
It’s very clear that “Ron” likes you, but he is not a Christian. For you, staying single is a better option than being with “Ron”. Then there was “Jason”. “Everyone” thinks that he likes you, but it has never been clear. It feels like your heart is on a nonstop seesaw going up and down…
14 Proven Tips for a Successful Long Distance Relationship
While “Sarah” was away for college, she met “Jack” at a barbeque event. He immediately caught her attention, but their first interaction was limited. Shortly after, they became friends on Facebook. From time to time, they saw each other since they were in similar social circles. “Jack” grew to admire her and so did his…
When The Guy You like is a Foreigner | 6 Sober Insights
After months of trying online dating, “Rebecca” finally meets “Ricardo” whose love for Christ, theology, purpose and values align with hers. To put icing on the cake, with ease, he makes her laugh and not to mention, he’s just her type when it comes to looks. However, the guy is a foreigner. Marrying any man,…
8 Essential Measures to Safeguard Yourself With Online Dating
It’s been years since “Renee” has been in a committed relationship. When she surveyed the men around her, the hope of marriage seemed bleak. In the meantime, she’s been hearing more and more about online dating. Even one of her cousins met her husband online. Subsequently, “Renee” decided to give online dating a try. After…
7 Must-Have Discussions Before You Commit Your Heart
It has only been six weeks and already you feel that “Brent” is the one that you’ve always been waiting for. He’s kind, sensitive, makes you laugh and knows exactly how to make you feel like you’re the most special woman in the world. You go to Pinterest and start a board on “My Perfect…
Suppose You Never Get Married … 10 Ways to Deal With It
“Simone” is an attractive intelligent woman who loves Jesus. For years, she has prayed over and over (and over and over again) that God would bring her “Boaz” into her life. There has been a few close calls with single men. But to date, nothing has matured into a relationship leading to marriage. She’s beginning…
14 Epic New Year’s Resolutions for a Better You
A new year has begun. I always believe a new year represents a new beginning. It’s a marvelous time to make some changes. As you reflect on last year, you have already probably come up with a list of New Year’s resolutions for the year. It might include exercising, a new diet, a Bible reading…
When Your Best Friend Gets Married | 6 Tips to Keep Your Friendship Alive
You and “Jane” have been best friends for years. Your friendship has been through many tests, but both of you have risen above the challenges and your friendship has been sealed forever or so you thought. Then, “Jim” enters the scene. You and “Jane” have been praying for years for “Jane” (and yourself) to meet…
How to Carefully Choose a Close Female Friend | 5 Tips
You’ve had a few disappointing friendships with Christian women, but you’re ready to try again. “Carly” joined your Bible study group a few months ago. She seems like a genuine person. Is “Carly” the kind of person you should let into your confidence? Can you choose her to become your close female friend? Believe me,…
8 Crucial Mindsets for Having a Female Best Friend
“I have no good female friends.” “Women are too much trouble.” “My best friends are men.” Generally, these perspectives come from women who have been hurt deeply by other women. However, women who continue to hold on to these hurts will never experience the treasure of having a close female friendships. When I was a…
6 Glaring Signs He is Not a True Christian
Is he not a true Christian? You’ve been going out with “Frank”. He says that he’s a Christian, but as you get to know him better, many things are just not adding up. You honestly don’t know if you should proceed into a relationship with “Frank” or if you should end it now. Your heart’s…
When He Loves Someone Else … 7 Clever Tips to Move On
What should you do when the man you love …loves someone else? When you met “Kenrick”, there was no fanfare … nothing special about the occasion. Over the years, your friendship with “Kenrick” has blossomed and you can talk with him about virtually anything. You’ve grown that close. As time goes by, you find yourself…
9 Powerful Prayers Every Single Woman Should Pray
Do you feel bothered and harassed? Are you disappointed with God? Do you sense that you no longer have the intimacy with Christ that you once enjoyed? Is your faith in God wavering? Your life can become so busy that you’re not aware of the changes that have taken place in your heart and mind. …
10 Practical Ways to Improve Your Chances of Meeting the One
Is meeting the one still possible? Kathy: There are not enough available eligible Christian men. Liz: All the good ones are already taken. Lauren: I’m not interested in anyone I know. Those are generally the thoughts of many single Christian women. Like Kathy, Liz & Lauren, you too might be asking the question, “How can…
5 Rare Qualities Mature Christian Men Want
In a time when over 50% of Christian marriages are failing, mature Christian men want better marriages. As such, they are looking for a different type of woman. “Sammy” was captivated by the beauty and sexiness of “Leila”. It was amazing the way she held his attention. As a follower of Christ, he initially wanted…
5 Sure Tips to Prevent You From Falling for the Wrong Guy
Do you keep falling for the wrong guy? From the moment that you saw “Cuthbert”, your heart began to race. “Who is this magical creature?” you thought. “Cuthbert” notices you too and you’re aware of the attraction magnet drawing you too together. Shortly after, you realize that he’s just the type of man who is…
5 Signs Fear of Rejection is Destroying Your Love Life
Are you allowing your fear of rejection to destroy your love life? You have had a few disappointments with love. Either you thought your budding friendship with “Charles” would result in a marriage partner, but it never matured into anything. Or, you’ve had a few failed relationships that left you with a broken heart. You’re…
9 Helpful Pointers to Plan Your Week Well
You’re aware of the tasks that need to be accomplished for the week. But without a plan, you might end up forgetting important tasks; wasting time on unproductive activities; and procrastinating with projects that you wish you didn’t have to do. In order to get done, as much as possible, in an efficient and orderly…
13 Incredible Tips to Do More in Less Time
Imagine a life with just the right balance between work and play. “Sally” has that kind of life. Every morning, she wakes up refreshed and ready for the day’s challenges and opportunities. Her co-workers are amazed at her level of efficiency. “Sally” generally seems to have everything under control and a joy exudes from her.…
5 Proven Steps to Get Your Busy Life Under Control
It happens to all of us. Usually, your to-do list is numerous like the sand on the seashore (or at least it feels that way). In an attempt to get your busy life under control, you make jottings everywhere! Consequently, you can easily find little pieces of paper with scribbles of tasks in your handbag,…
10 Ways to Realistically Achieve Work-Life Balance
It’s all a crazy balancing act. You want to succeed in your work, but you also don’t want to lose your sanity. In order to realistically achieve work-life balance, you need to make some sober decisions and implement some changes. Firstly, let’s look at what you may try to add to your daily routine. Here…
9 Tips to Prevent Burnout
You have more things to do than hours in the day to do them. Sometimes, you wish that the day contained about 36 hours rather than a mere 24 hours. There’s so much to do with so little time in which to accomplish them. Weekends are just as cramped with activity…grocery shopping, cleaning, cooking, socializing,…
8 Possible Reasons Why He is Still Single
Have you ever met a guy and wondered why he is still single? When you first met “Clifford”, you were surprised to learn that he is unmarried. He may not be the most handsome guy on the planet, but he’s decent looking. He has a stable job, so one would think that he has the…
8 Tips to Become Better and NOT bitter After Heartbreak
It hurts like crazy. One year has passed and it still isn’t easy dealing with your breakup with “Tyrone.” You never expected it in your wildest dreams. Whenever you dreamed of your future, “Tyrone” would always be featured as your leading man. You thought that “Tyrone” would be the one. Would it ever get easier?…
6 Signs That He’s Not Really Into You
You and “Rupert” have been friends for quite a number of years. He’s the kind of wholesome guy that you wouldn’t mind marrying …if he were to pursue you. You (and others) think he likes you, but why hasn’t he said anything? So you wait and wait and wait. You’re wondering, “Will he ever take…
7 Tips to Become a More Confident Woman
Confidence is like a magnet in all your relationships. It’s in your best interest to become a more confident woman. It will affect your … Success on a job interview; Ability to form new friends and business associates; Courage to ask for a pay increase; Interactions with mere strangers; and Desirability with men; Ability to…
Situationship or Relationship … 5 Reasons It Should be Clear
Are you wondering about the relationship status between you and ‘Sammy’? Are you in a situationship or relationship? You go out together regularly. Your daily phone conversations usually last for hours. Sometimes, you cook meals for him. He’s no stranger to your immediate family. When you’re interacting with other guys, you notice that “Sammy” gets jealous.…
8 Tips to Overcome Your Shyness with an Attractive Guy
Are you shy around men? If you say “yes” to the following four questions, then this article might help you to overcome your shyness. When you’re around an attractive guy, do you tend to become tense? Do you get tongue-tied and unable to have a decent conversation? Is your behavior cold and unemotional around him? …
Should You Pursue a Man? 6 Points to Consider
You’re in the same Bible study group with ‘Richard’. He’s attentive toward you. You find that he’s kind of cute and you admire this strong convictions. You think he might like you, but you’re not sure. To date, he has never clearly expressed an interest in you. Should you make your intentions known to ‘Richard’?…
The One Thing That All Successful People Have in Common | 10 Tips to Develop It
No one has ever achieved any measure of success without self-discipline. All truly successful people have this in common. Success Stories John Maxwell read leadership books for one hour daily for five years with the aim of becoming a leadership expert. He has achieved that goal. Warren Buffet, one of the most successful investors of…
Doing This Changed My Life Forever! 10 Pointers
Do you want your life to change? Would you like to improve your ability to pray? Do you have difficulty believing God? Are you losing your joy? Do you want to be wise in relationships, finances, business and every other area of your life? The law of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul; the…
Are You in An Unhealthy Relationship? 8 Signs
You’ve been in a relationship with ‘Jack’ for some time now. He’s a decent Christian guy. Months have turned into years and it’s hard for you to even consider being with someone else. But is it an unhealthy relationship? Everyone knows that you’re planning to marry him. To the outside world, the relationship seems happy,…
How to Beat Porn Addiction and Other Sexual Addictions | 10 Practical Tips
Help! It’s controlling me! You keep getting drawn back into that habit. You tell God that you’ll never do it again. But that promise is short-lived. Can you beat porn addiction? You’re ashamed of your behavior, but you can’t seem to stop it. After each episode, you end up feeling disgusted because you gave in yet…
Porn and the Single Christian Woman | 10 Ways It Can Destroy Your Life
As a young girl, you never went looking for it, but porn found you. Maybe it was a friend who sent you an image via the phone. Or perhaps, you found a pornographic magazine well-hidden among books while you were cleaning the book shelf. Or you went over to a friend’s house and watched a…
8 Essential Beauty Tools for the Do-It-Yourself Woman
Before we talk about the 8 essential beauty tools, are you a do-it-yourself woman? Choose the personality that best describes you: (A) ‘Live Lavishly Lorie’ You’d rather pay any sum of money to be pampered by a beautician. It’s a time to relax, de-stress and tell the beautician all your problems (or listen to hers).…
Beauty on a Budget | 8 Money-Saving Tips
Are you a beauty on a budget? You’re a student and money is tight. You’re building your emergency fund. (That was me last year) You’re about to buy a car or house or make some other major investment. You’re temporarily unemployed. Regardless of your current circumstance, you don’t need to sacrifice your beauty due to…
Beauty in a Minute | 8 Quick Tips
You’re too busy to fill up all your time doing beauty regimens. Afterall, there are other important areas of your life which need your time and attention. Beauty in a Minute sounds like a possibility for you. Why it’s important… But wait a minute… is it even important that you look your best physically? Whether…
Is He Showing Interest? 10 Pointers to Keep Your Confidence Intact
Your best friend tells you that she thinks ‘Sam’ likes you. You are elated at this revelation. Every time you see him, your heart does a happy dance. You have been observing him for some time now and your admiration for him is growing. Could he be the ‘One’? Can you keep your confidence intact?…
Cure Desperation | 6 Tips to Become a Confident Attractive Woman
Do you behave like a confident attractive woman or one who is desperate? “Jack” You meet an awesome guy ‘Jack’ and he’s so incredible! The last time you two chatted, you spoke for hours but it merely felt like minutes. As a result, your phone is with you 24/7 because you simply cannot risk missing…
Single and disappointed…5 Helpful Tips to Deal with It.
Are you single and disappointed? You’ve been faithful to God and you’ve sought to make Him the top priority in your life. Yet, another year has come and you’re still unmarried. You look at other single Christian women who have ‘gotten through’, and you think that something must be wrong with you. Why is God…
6 Tips to End a Relationship Well
You’re realizing that you’re with the wrong guy. You know that you should end the relationship but you can’t imagine a future without him. How do you even separate your intertwined lives? You honestly thought that he was the one that you were going to marry. Unfortunately, heartbreak is an unavoidable evil of this life.…
10 Easy Tips to Start Journaling TODAY
Have you been wanting to journal for a while, but you just can’t get started? Has journaling consistently been a challenge for you? Like you, consistent journalling had evaded me for years! I’d start and stop, start and stop (sometimes even stop for years!). To help you to start journaling immediately, I have a list…
5 Truths About Why You’re Still Single
Sometimes, I hear that the reason that we remain single is that it is the will of God. For years, I too held this view until three years ago. It was while reading a book called ‘The One: A Realistic Guide to Choosing Your Soul Mate’ by Dr. Samuel Adams & Ben Young, that my…