
4 Benefits to ending a relationship now

Ending a relationship deserves serious consideration.

You’re in a relationship right now. You love him and you have already invested so much time and probably money into this relationship. Would it make sense to end it or should you continue and hope for the best?

No one enters a relationship to break up in the future. But it happens.  Ending a relationship is very difficult, but it’s important to do it as soon as possible if you already know that he’s not the one for you


Ever feel like you don’t know what a godly man is looking for in a wife? Our Irresistible Godly Woman Checklist will give you clear insights so you can stop guessing and start preparing … while reaching your full potential as a single Christian woman.

I was in a relationship for over 5 years and we should have ended it sooner.  

In case you are having doubts, here are some of the benefits for ending it now:

1) To move on quicker.

You’ll be able to move on faster with your life . You are wasting time (his and yours) when you continue to invest in a relationship that needs to end. Time is the most precious resource that we all have. Once time is gone, we can never get it back.

When you are not in a relationship, you have so much more time to discover, and develop yourself. After my breakup, I mentored and coached young women in several Caribbean countries, I travelled the world, studied again, I read lots of books, and so much more! My life was full!

2) To heal.

Both you and him can begin to heal before you both get ready for your future mates. Healing requires time and it cannot be rushed. Sometimes, it can take years to even realize the damage that has been done. 10 years of my first failed relationship, I realised that I had some serious rejection issues. Yes, it took me that long!

3) To begin focusing on you to become healthier.

You can begin to work on the issues that contributed to your poor decisions in the relationship. It always takes two to tango so I personally do not believe that all the blame of the failure of a relationship should be placed squarely on only one person.

If you have attracted a toxic person, perhaps you need to do some introspection before you enter a new relationship. You need to discover your weaknesses and flaws and actively work on becoming a healthier person. If you don’t, it is quite likely that you’ll repeat the same mistakes in the future.

It is noteworthy to mention that you might be the toxic one in the relationship so take a break from romantic relationships and seek counsel. Get healthier first!

4) To be available for your future husband.

The more you waste time on a poor relationship, the availability of good men will become increasingly less. It is a fact that the availability of eligible Christian men, around your age, will become increasingly less as time goes by. By breaking up soon, you will be making room for your future husband (when the time is right because you need to give yourself time to heal). You never know…he might actually be observing you right now.

Take some time alone and pray about this relationship. If you are confused, seek godly counsel from wise Christians, especially from couples whose marriage you admire.  If you come to the conclusion that your relationship needs to end, I pray that God will give you the courage end it sooner than later.


4 Benefits for ending a relationship now:

  • To move on quicker;
  • To heal;
  • To become healthier; and
  • To be available for your future husband.

What are some other reasons for ending a relationship as soon as possible? Comment below and let me know! Thanks for stopping by!

With love & laughter,

Kimberly Garth

Other Helpful Resources:

Are you in an Unhealthy Relationship? 8 Signs

8 Tips to Become Better and NOT Bitter After Heartbreak 

6 Tips to End a Relationship Well

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Ever feel like you don’t know what a godly man is looking for in a wife? Our Irresistible Godly Woman Checklist will give you clear insights so you can stop guessing and start preparing … while reaching your full potential as a single Christian woman.