Growing Faith Health and Fitness

10 Easy Tips to Start Journaling TODAY

Have you been wanting to journal for a while, but you just can’t get started?  Has journaling consistently been a challenge for you?

Like you, consistent journalling had evaded me for years!  I’d start and stop, start and stop (sometimes even stop for years!). To help you to start journaling immediately, I have a list of what you need at the bottom of the post.

Then finally, about three years ago, on January the 1st, I actually restarted journaling and I haven’t stopped since.  Yippee! Well, to be honest, I have missed a few days here and there, especially when I was traveling, but I would consider that a significant improvement.


Ever feel like you don’t know what a godly man is looking for in a wife? Our Irresistible Godly Woman Checklist will give you clear insights so you can stop guessing and start preparing … while reaching your full potential as a single Christian woman.

Let me share with you what has helped me to begin and maintain this habit.  If I can do it, you can too.

Here are my tips for starting a habit of journaling:

1) Keep it short and sweet!

I remember that at the start of my job training, I had to keep a journal.  I was excited to get started. As a result, I would write pages upon pages for one journal entry … like I was writing a book!📚  Well, I certainly couldn’t keep that up. 😰 At the end of my nine-month training, my journal was looking rather sparse.

When I restarted three years ago, I decided to keep it to only one page of my journal notebook.💡  Since you’re forming a new habit, it’s best to start small.  

Or, you may end up giving up the whole practice altogether because it just takes way too long.  You can try to devote 5-10 minutes per day for journaling.  When your habit has been cemented, then you can write for longer.

2) Write to God.

You can choose to write to God … so you can tell him all your troubles.👊🏽😁 And thank him too.  He’s the only one who has the power to do anything in any case.

3) Have a writing guide to start journaling.

It’s always good to have something to guide your writing.

Here’s a loose guide for you:
  1. Things that happened in the day that made you feel thankful.  It’s always good to cultivate a grateful heart.  Regardless of what happens in a day, there’s at least one thing for which you can be grateful.
  2. Next, express your concerns to God.  We know that He already knows, but it can be extremely healthy to pen your thoughts to Him.
  3. Write your notes on what you are learning from the Word.
  4. You can write your requests to God.  Basically, this is writing your prayers.
  5. Close.  I write, ‘Love, Kimberly’.

It’s like a love letter to God. Easy like peasy!  Get my FREE printable journal and access to my resource library (at the bottom).

4) Be honest and gracious with yourself.

Express how you are feeling at that particular moment.  You don’t need to pretty it up. Also, when you’re now starting, you may miss a few days since the habit is pretty new.   Don’t throw in the towel and say, ‘next year I’ll try again’. Just start again when you remember.  Be gracious to yourself and get back on track.

5) Write something every day.

You’ll probably be more successful in developing this habit if it were to be done daily instead of every other day or three times a week.  A daily commitment is key. When I’m extremely tired, my journal entries tend to be super short but that’s OK. Just write something … even one line.

6) Say goodbye to perfectionism.

Your language doesn’t have to be perfect.  It doesn’t have to be in paragraph form. As a matter of fact, you can use a bullet list if that tickles your fancy. You can even draw if you so choose.

7) Choose the best time of day.

This may seem inconsequential but don’t underestimate the time of day when you write.  You can journal at the start of the day by reflecting on the previous day and thinking of the day ahead.

Alteratively, you can use it to reflect and debrief at the end of the day.  I’ve done both and I prefer the nights.  Do whatever suits you. But do try to be consistent with either one to form a routine.

8) Select a medium to start journaling.

I’ve used both hardcopy versions of journals or digital journals .  Which is the best for you?

A traditional journal book is best for you, if you:
  1. Love the feel of real books.
  2. Prefer to actually write, using a normal pen or pencil.
  3. Like to collect journals.
  4. Feel comfortable that your journal is in your physical space and not online.

Then this is the one for you.

You can get one like this journal notebook.  

However, I have created a free journal printable for you. Print it out and make copies. However, I have made it editable so you can save the trees and simply write in it. It is in my free resource library and you can get the password to it at the bottom of the post. Let nothing stop you from your desire to start journaling today!

A digital journal is better for you if you:
  1. Want to save money. You can use a Word document (Microsoft Word, Apple Pages, free Open Office Text Document or free Google Docs) or a note-taking app (Microsoft OneNote, Apple Notes or Google Keep) that is already on your device or can be installed for free.
  2. Travel frequently and you want to travel as light as possible. It can be installed on devices that you already carry around (your tablet or smartphone). One less item to pack when you’re traveling.
  3. Find that your handwriting is utterly illegible when you’re tired. Typing might work for you if you plan on reading your journals in the future.
  4. Want to insert pictures, audio or video to further enhance your memory of a moment.

Get your free editable journal in my resource library.

For the techies like myself, you can get a dedicated journal app.  You have the option of securing your private information with a password or fingerprint.  

9) Start immediately.

To get you started NOW, get my FREE journal printable (get access at the bottom of the post).  You have the best of two worlds.  You can either fill it or you can print it and write on it. You’ll also have an added bonus of receiving my weekly encouragment.😉

10) Enroll the help of a friend.

You and a friend can start journaling at the same to encourage one another.  Or, you can ask your friend to hold you accountable. It is said that it takes 21 days to form a new habit.   Sign up for my 21-day journal challenge and I would be very happy to ‘hold your hand’ as you establish this habit.

What you need …

A desire to journal.
An intention to journal.
A hardcopy journal notebook, a program, a journal app or my printable journal (which is also editable) from my resource library.
A pen/pencil/stylus/tablet/phone/computer.

So there you have it…10 tips to quickly and easily start a life-changing journaling habit!  Get my printable journal and access to my resource library (see below). I’d love to hear your tips, the benefits you’ve found or even the setbacks of journaling that you’ve encountered.  Let’s have a conversation (use comments section). Thanks for stopping by!😀

With love & laughter,

Kimberly Garth

Free printable journal here!

Get the password for the library with the printable journal by filling out this form:


  1. Priscilla
  2. Juma
  3. Brianna
  4. Sherron Warwick
  5. Juma
  6. Stacy
  7. Nikida
  8. Denise Cameron

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Ever feel like you don’t know what a godly man is looking for in a wife? Our Irresistible Godly Woman Checklist will give you clear insights so you can stop guessing and start preparing … while reaching your full potential as a single Christian woman.